Medical Quiz

Topics: Inhalation Injury Quiz

Which of the following indicates earliest sign of Increased Intracranial pressure?

A. projectile vomiting

B. severe headache

C. altered level of consciousness

D. seizures

Select your answer:


Bacterial Growth and Culturing Conditions Germs Teeths Biology for Engineers Cell Review Your Body First Aid Check up Muscoskeletal Injuries Trauma Surgery Nursing Vocabulary Physical and Sensory Impairment Health and Hygiene Diagnostic Tools Economic importance of Bacteria Visual Impairment

Other quiz:

Nervous System › View

What are the three parts of the nervous system?

A. brain, spinal cord, nerves

B. brain, lungs, spinal cord

C. heart, brain, nerves

D. brain, nerves, neurons

Human Body › View

The respiratory system is divided into how many parts??

A. 2

B. 6

C. 7

D. 1