Topics: Circulatory and Nervous System Quiz
What part of the brain that functions for breathing, vomiting, sneezing?
A. Cerebellum
B. Cerebrum
C. Nerves
D. Brainstem
Select your answer:
Vet Terminology Eye and Ear Common Diseases in Human Beings Human Anatomy and Physiology Human Circulatory System Respiration, Immune System, Blood Cells Heart Homeostasis, Nutrition, Digestion & Absorption Muscle Anatomy Basics of Cardiology Nervous System Skin Structure and Growth Integumentary System Musculoskeletal System Medical Terminology Blood GroupsOther quiz:
Circulatory System › ViewName part I.
A. pericardium
B. mediastinum
C. septum
D. unknownum
AEMT EMS Systems › View
Which of the following statements regarding EMS research is correct?
A. Evidence-based decision making is an ineffective way of improving care.
B. The goal of EMS research is to identify interventions that are ineffective.
C. Research in EMS is usually only performed by the medical director.
D. AEMTs will be involved in research typically through gathering data.