Topics: Body Systems & Anatomical Terms Quiz
What is the anatomical name for the FINGERS & TOES?
A. Metacarpals
B. Metatarsals
C. Phalangeal/Digital
D. Tarsals
Select your answer:
Inhalation Injury Blood Pathology Anatomy and Physiology Skeletal System Human Eye and Colourful World Principles of Microbiology Molecular Basis of Inheritance Biochemistry/Cells Nursing Vocabulary Epithelial Tissue Living Organisms & Animal Behaviors Vascular Surgery Integumentary and Musculoskeletal Systems Circulatory System and Nutrition Musculoskeletal Injuries & Workstation Design Urinary SystemOther quiz:
Life Processes › ViewA short tube at the end of the large intestine that stores solid waste is the…
A. stomach
B. rectum
C. liver
Anxiety Disorders › View
Checking for unwanted hairs growing on your body
A. Obsession
B. Compulsion