Medical Quiz

Topics: Axial & Appendicular Skeleton Quiz

What causes a scoliosis in the spine?

A. sleeping in the wrong position

B. lifting heavy objects

C. doing too much exercise

D. there is no known cause of a scoliosis

Select your answer:


Molecular Genetics Defence against Infectious Diseases Urinary System, Fluid, Electrolyte and ph Balance The Nervous System Hematology / Oncology First Aid Immunity in Humans BMS Cell Cycle and Cancer Cellular Transport and Metabolism Cell Theory & Melanoma Health and Disease Cell and Tissue Cell Cycle Problems Therapeutic Services Roots Herd Immunity

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Rheumatoid arthritis is an example of _____. 

A. chronic inflammation

B. acute inflammation

C.  cancer

D. pathological atrophy

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All the traits that were biologically passed on to you from your parents

A. chronic disease

B. heredity

C. genes

D. family