Medical Quiz

Life Processes - Digestion and Respiration Quiz

the correct order of steps in nutrition in human beings is

A. ingestion – digestion – assimilation – absorption – egestion

B. ingestion – digestion – absorption – assimilation – egestion

C. ingestion – absorption – digestion – egestion – assimilation

D. ingestion – assimilation – absorption – digestion – egeston

Select your answer:


Life Cycle - Bee Nutrition form 2 Paeds Edema DNA & Types of Reproduction Common Respiratoty Diseases Microbes Careers in Health Care Energy and Metabolism Bacteria, Viruses, and Fungi Musculoskeletal Injuries Inherited & Acquired Traits Genes, Chromosomes and Genome Human Health Health and The Environment Pathogens - Bacteria and Viruses

Other quiz:

Body Fluids and Blood Cells › View

Fully mature human RBC has……

A. A Nucleus

B. No nucleus

C. Nucleus may or may not be present

D. None of the above

Respiratory › View

Which sequence correctly indicates the branching pattern of the human respiratory system?

A. trachea -> bronchi -> bronchioles -> alveoli

B. trachea -> bronchioles -> bronchi -> alveoli

C. alveoli -> trachea -> bronchioles -> bronchi

D. alveoli -> bronchioles -> trachea -> bronchi