Medical Quiz

Circulatory System Quiz

Blood that is oxygenated comes from the …

A. Valves

B. Lungs

C. Brain

D. Body

Select your answer:


Medical Careers Physical Fitness Digestive and Circulatory System Erythrocyte Disorders Circulatory & Lymphatic Lifestyle Diseases Breath Antimicrobial Pharmacology Anatomy and Physiology Skeletal System Biochemistry/Cells DNA Anatomy and Histology of Stomach Circulatory and Lymphatic System Nutrient Cycling Homeostasis, Nutrition, Digestion & Absorption

Other quiz:

Laboratory Careers › View

What is a Phlebotomist?

A. Collect blood for donation or for testing, so the blood can be analyzed in a clinical laboratory.

B. Takes care of dead people

C. Treats a persons spine

D. Takes care of animals when they are hurt or sick

Pathogens - Bacteria and Viruses › View

A microbe that causes disease…?

A. Pathogen

B. Vector

C. Fungus

D. Virus