Medical Quiz

Food Quiz

Refrigeration is a method of _________________________

A. preparing a balanced diet.

B. cooking food

C. preserving food

D. preserving nutrients

Select your answer:


Mitosis for Mya Terms for The Skeletal System Foot Orthosis Vocab Deficiency Disease Cell Structure and Function Concept Hospice Basics Integumentary System Virus, Bacteria, Immunity Food and Health & Bones and Muscles Renal, Cancer, HIV Prokaryotic Cells and Viruses Hematology Acute Leukemias Biological Molecules The Vascular System and Blood Flow Vital Signs

Other quiz:

The Cardiovascular System OCR A-level › View

What is the role of chemoreceptors?

A. detect an increase in blood pressure

B. detect an increase in muscle movement

C. detect an increase in carbon dioxide concentration

Human Body Systems › View

Which system includes the mouth, esophagus, and the small and large intestines?
A. nervous
B. excretory
C. respiratory
D. digestive