Medical Quiz

The Human Eye Quiz

What eye condition would be best treated by wearing spectacles with lenses shaped like this?

A. Hyperopia (Far-sightedness)

B. Myopia (Near-sightedness)

Select your answer:


Health issue related to immune system Gaseous Exchange in Humans Osteoporosis Orthopaedic Neurology Entomology Respiration Anatomy and Physiology Laboratory Careers Erythrocyte Disorders Chronic Diseases Cell & Bond CP A&P: Cardiovascular Food and Health & Bones and Muscles Kidney - Loop of Henlé Anatomy and Physiology Skeletal System Environmental Biotechnology

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Principles of Microbiology › View

_____________ breaks down waste products, and takes part in the synthesis of vitamin K.

A. Escherichia coli (E.coli)

B. Lactobacillus acidophilus

C. Bacillus anthracis

D. Streptococcus

Nutrition Lipid › View

This medical emergency can be described as a blockage of a vessel that leads to the brain causing tissue damage.

A. cancer

B. stroke

C. hypertension

D. coronary heart disease