Medical Quiz

Health and Hygiene Quiz

__________ are tiny organisms or viruses that cause diseases.

A. Symptoms

B. Heredity

C. Antibodies

D. Pathogens

Select your answer:


Bone Bones and Muscles Psoriasis Circulation of Blood Toxicology Viruses and Prions Humanistic and Biological Psychology Healthy Foundations Circulatory and Lymphatic System Bone Physiology Healthcare Careers Circulatory & Respiratory Urinary Disease CVA

Other quiz:

Healthcare Careers › View

Medicine or treatment that is administered and taken instead of conventional medicine.

A. alternative

B. complementary

Skull › View

The two types of bones in the skull are:

A. Cranial Bones and Facial Bones

B. Cranial Bones and Cephalic Bones

C. Facial Bones and Cephalic Bones

D. Skullish Bones and Cephalic Bones