Medical Quiz

Genetics Quiz

What does heterozygous mean?

A. An organism that has the same genes for a trait (TT or tt)

B. An organism that has different genes for a trait (Tt)

C. When neither gene is fully dominant; offspring is a mixture of both

D. the different forms of a trait (hair color–> brown, blonde, red

Select your answer:


Bacteria Structure Muscoskeletal Injuries Upper Limb Covid-19 Pulmonary Edema and CHF Respiratory Diseases Stimuli and Responses in Humans Children Well-being Central Nervous System Composition of Blood and Blood Cells Teeths Carbohydrates Human Anatomy Essential Nutrients Genetic Diseases

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Diagnostic Tools › View

Which of the following is best suit to use a known antigen to see if the person is producing antibodies?

A. Direct serological test  

B. Indirect serological test   

C. Agglutination test

D. Immunological test

Covid-19 › View

What is a coronavirus?

A. coronaviruses are a large family of viruses that are known to cause illness ranging from the common cold to more severe diseases

B. coronaviruses are one strain of viruses that are known to cause illness ranging from the common cold to more severe diseases

C. coronaviruses are from one strain of viruses that cause common colds