Medical Quiz

Non-Communicable Disease Quiz

Non communicable diseases are mainly caused due to

A. improper hygiene

B. an improper lifestyle

C. entry of pathogens in our body

D. all of the above

Select your answer:


Radiation and Health Biochemistry/Cells Advanced Stretching SM2 Protein Synthesis Enzymes Sources Of Food Hair Evidence Excretion in Humans Energy and Metabolism Ankle Injuries Nursing Vocabulary Virus, Bacteria, Immunity Salmonella vs E.coli The Human Body Composition Of Human Blood Cell Membrane and Transport

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A 34-year-old secretary climbs 12 flights of stairs every day to reach her office because she is terrified by the thought of being trapped in the elevator. She has never had any traumatic event occur in an elevator; nonetheless, she has been terrified of them since childhood. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?

A. Social phobia

B. Performance anxiety

C. Specific phobia

D. Agoraphobia

Psychopathology › View

The SERT gene leads to what happening?

A. No serotonin being released into synaptic gap at all

B. Too much serotonin being released into synaptic gap so the receptors are overwhelmed

C. Serotonin being taken back into the pre-synaptic neuron too quickly so there is not enough serotonin in synapse for long enough