Medical Quiz

Heart Vocab and Blood Flow Pathway Quiz

A __ sends electrical current to the heart to get a normal rhythm back.

A. Fibrillator

B. Lightning bolt

C. Defibrillator

D. Heart Attack

Select your answer:


Circulation and Excretion Dermatology Cardiorespiratory Endurance Oronasal Suctioning Stem Cells & Cell Differentiation Cell Injury Neurons Fainting and Nosebleed Microorganisms, Health and Diseases Healthcare Careers Components of Physical Fitness Muscular Biology Health and Wellness Biotechnology

Other quiz:

Abnormal Psychology; Assessment and Diagnosis › View

International Classification of Disease (ICD-10) system is to World Health Organization, likewise, Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM), is to ____

A. Psychological Association of the Philippine

B. American Psychiatric Association

C. Americal Psychological Association

D. American Psychological asscociates

Breath › View

What type of breathing with an excess of excitatory afferentation (stress, hysteria, skin burn, etc.):

A. rare, deep

B. dispnoe

C. apnea

D. frequent, superficial

E. frequent, deep