Medical Quiz

Cytology and Histology Quiz

When actin filaments cannot bind myosin, what process is disrupted?

A. Vesicle fusion

B. Nuclear contraction

C. DNA replication

D. Chromosome segregation

Select your answer:


Pediatrics Mental Health Genetics and Censorship Respiratory System Disability Etiquette & Physical Activities Transportation and Excretion Circulatory System Nervous & Endocrine Systems Disease Outbreak and Transmission Renal Biotechnology Vascular Human Circulatory System Bonding and the Periodic Table Forensic Odontology

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There are 206 of these in your entire body, what are they?

A. Nerves

B. Blood vessels

C. Bones

D. I don’t know

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This medical emergency can be described as a blockage of a vessel that leads to the brain causing tissue damage.

A. cancer

B. stroke

C. hypertension

D. coronary heart disease