Medical Quiz

Disease and Conditions Skeletal System Quiz

Which term describes inflammation of the bone and joint?

A. Osteoarthritis

B. Arthroplasty

C. Osteochondritis

D. Osteoarthropathy

Select your answer:


Psychiatry Mouth - Stomach Type of Dementia Leaves Regulation of Heart Rate Cellular and Sexual Reproduction Psoriasis Skin Structure Biochemistry Vocabulary Nervous System: Diseases/Problems/Illnesses Deficiency Disease AEMT EMS Systems Joints in our Body Digestive System Viruses Biomolecules

Other quiz:

Musculoskeletal System › View

What is the purpose of cartilage in joints?

A. To provide nutrients to the bones.

B. To store fat for energy.

C. To connect muscles to bones.

D. The purpose of cartilage in joints is to provide cushioning and reduce friction between bones.

Organelles › View

Which of the following organelles does not properly function in Treacher Collins Syndrome?

A. Ribosomes in the face

B. Ribsomes in the legs

C. Mitochondria of the muscles

D. Mitochondria of the face