Medical Quiz

Anatomy and Histology Quiz

What is the purpose of the skeletal system?

A. Support/maintain posture

B. Digestion

C. Vision

D. Respiration

Select your answer:


Organ Systems Tissues of The Body Respiration, Immune System, Blood Cells Diseases Key Terms Organ Senses and Locomotor System Health - Nutrition Circulatory System and Nutrition Agents of Disease Molecular Basis of Inheritance Prehabilitation and Conditioning Autism Awareness Immunology IBD Skeletal System Homeostatic Imbalances The Digestive System Non-Communicable Disease

Other quiz:

Hair Evidence › View

Which number in the diagram represents the cuticle?

A. A

B. D

C. B

D. F

ESR (RBC sed rate) › View

Settling dependent on ______

A. protein composition of plasma (fibrinogen)

B. size and shape of erythrocytes

C. erythrocyte concentration

D. all of the above