Medical Quiz

Cardiology Quiz

What does the suffix “-emia” refer to?

A. Muscle

B. Heart

C. Inflammation

D. Blood condition

Select your answer:


Dermis Medicine Clinics DNA and Genetic Manipulation Diagnostic Tools Kinetics Cell Reproduction Fad Diets The Vascular System and Blood Flow Nutrition Lipid Child Growth and Development Illness and Symptoms Vascular Surgery The Cell Cycle & Cancer Neuroanatomy Orthopedic Surgeon

Other quiz:

Philosophy › View

the study of knowledge, truth, and the nature of ultimate reality. 

A. Philosophy 

B. Theology

C. Anthropology

D. Hamartiology 

Excretory System › View

What are the filtering units of the kidneys?

A. nephrons

B. ureters

C. nuerons

D. alveloi