Medical Quiz

Multicellular Organisms Quiz

Which type of organism is described as having single cells that manage all activities?

A. Multicellular

B. Eukaryotes

C. Prokaryotes

D. Complex organisms

Select your answer:


Digestion and Microbes Healthy Foundations Stem Cells & Cell Differentiation Cell Transport Muscularskeletal System Pathology Benefits of Physical Activity Illness and Symptoms Eye in Color Vision Microbiology Human Eye and Colorful World Sense of Sight Nervous System/Endocrine System Inhalation Injury Heterotrophic Nutrition

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What food group is the above food in?
A.     Grain
B.     Protein
C.     Vegetable
D.     Dairy

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Sensory information is best described as _____ information.

A. afferent

B. efferent

C. internal

D. external