Tennis elbow occurs to people _________
A. playing tennis
B. playing badminton
C. with swollen elbow joint
D. playing cricket
Select your answer:
Muscle Tissue Bacteria and Protist Review Human Urinary System Cosmetology Phlebotomy Vitamins Hormones Human Anatomy and Physiology - Types of Tissues Blood Donation Circulatory & Respiratory Anatomy and Physiology- Cardiovascular Sysytem Energy, Hydrology, Microbiology Hematology Lab Values Digestion and Microbes Psychology VocabularyOther quiz:
Immunology and Serology › ViewAn immune response that is mediated by secreted antibodies produced in the cells of the B lymphocyte lineages (B cells).
A. Self Immunity
B. Innate immunity
C. Humoral Immunity
D. Cell-mediated immunity
Urinary System › View
Which is the correct order of blood flow through the kidney?
A. Inferior Vena Cava, Renal Artery, Abdominal Aorta, Interlobular Arteries, Renal Vein, Afferent Artery, Efferent Arteries
B. Abdominal Aota, Renal Artery, Interlobular Arteries, Afferent Arteries, Efferent Arteriole, Interlobular Viens, Renal Viens, Inferior Vena Cava
C. Inferior Vena Cava, Renal Veins, Interlobular Viens, Efferent Arteriole, Afferent Arteries, Intlobular Arteries, Renal Artery, Abdonminal Aorta
D. Renal Artery, Interlobular Arteries, Afferent Arteries, Efferent Arteriole, Inferior Vena Cava, Abdominal Aorta