Medical Quiz

CV System A&P & Pathology Quiz

Which chambers in the heart are the pumping chambers?

A. atrium

B. ventricles

Select your answer:


Tenses Medical Terminology Gastroinestinal Gastroenterology Dimensions of Wellness Molecular Basis of Inheritance Vision (AP Psych) Circulation and Excretion Warm up How the Eyes work Health and Nutrition Transplantation Immunology ology & phobia DNA, RNA, Proteins Nervous System Functioning EMR - Trauma Antibiotic in Orthopaedics

Other quiz:

Pathology › View

What can cause an increased intravascular pressure during agony ?

A. Pulmonary edema

B. Pulmonary alveolar

C. Pulmonary surpression

D. Pulmonary tachypnea

Tissues › View

Group of dividing tissues are called

A. Permanent tissues

B. meristematic tissues

C. Vascular tissues