Medical Quiz

Neuroanatomy Quiz

Which of the following functions is primarily associated with the anterior lobe of the cerebellum?

A. Reviews movements of your limbs

B. Conjugated eye movement

C. Processes proprioception of the limbs

D. All of the above

Select your answer:


Bone Marrow Histology Musculoskeletal Injuries Pituitary, Thyroid and Adrenal Blood clotting Muscular System Heart and Blood Vessels Bacteria Structure Cell & Bond Laboratory Careers Molecular Biology Ecology Renal Replacement Therapies Enzymes and Digestion Embryology Auditory and Vestibular Neurology

Other quiz:

Urinary › View

Which kidney structure empties into the ureter?

A. renal pelvis

B. calyx

C. renal papilla

D. renal pyramid

Neuroanatomy › View

Where is the primary location of the blood-CSF barrier in the central nervous system?

A. In the subarachnoid space

B. Within the gray matter

C. Along the spinal cord

D. Within the brain ventricles