Medical Quiz

Neuroanatomy Quiz

central nuclei vestibular nerve

A. vestibular nuclei

B. nuclei ambiguus

C. cochlear nuclei

D. motor nuclei of VIII

Select your answer:


Major Organs Health and Hygiene Nucleic Acids Bone, Spine, and Joint Pathology Human Body and Pathogens Science Reproduction Musculoskeletal Injuries Circulatory & Respiratory Microorganism - Diseases Psychopathology Radiography Osteoporosis Biochemistry Vocabulary Biopsychology - Neuroplasticity and Functional Recovery Circulatory & Lymphatic

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A. Cerebral Palsy

B. Spina Bifida Cystica

C. Spinal Bifida Occulta

D. Anencephaly

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Blood flows from right atrium to right ventricle through which valve?
A. semilunar valve
B. tricuspid valve
C. bicuspid valve
D. pulmonary valve