Medical Quiz

Hematology Quiz

In myelofibrosis, the characteristic abnormal red blood cell morphology is that of:

A. target cells

B. schistocytes

C. teardrop cells

D. ovalocytes

Select your answer:


Microbes Abnormal Psychology; Assessment and Diagnosis All About Bacteria Body Fluids and Blood Cells Blood & Blood Vessels Cell and Muscle Histology Excretory System Teeth and Microbes Healthcare Delivery Systems and Insurance Foodborne Illness Bones, Joints and Muscles Receptors Respiration in Organisms Human Body Systems Tissues Vocabulary

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In a healthy kidney, glucose and amino acids are reabsorbed into the blood at which location in the nephron?



C. Glomerulus

D. Loop of Henle

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A diagnostic procedure that involves removing a tissue sample from a patient.

A. biopsy

B. lipotripsy

C. pathogenesis

D. oncology