Medical Quiz

Agents of Disease Quiz

This chart shows the worldwide number of pertussis, tuberculosis, and measles cases over 16 years. Which is most likely the cause of the decline in measles cases from 1980 to 1990?

A. antibiotics

B. chemotherapy

C. quarantines

D. vaccinations

Select your answer:


Gaseous Exchange in Humans Skeletal System Homeostatic Imbalances World Health Day Microbes Cell Review Renal Pharmacology Anatomy - Muscle Histology/NMJ/Physiology Embryology Brain/Neuron Anatomy Ankle Injuries Glucose in the Body Muscle Tissues Genetics: Viruses and Bacteria Doctor Equipments Geriatrics

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Leaves › View

Leaves of ______ plant are used to give aroma to the food?

A. Mint

B. Coriander

C. Curry

D. All of these

Bacteriology › View

What is the function of the Z ring in binary fission?

A. It controls the replication of DNA

B. It forms a contraction ring at the septum

C. It separates the newly synthesized DNA molecules

D. It mediates the addition of new peptidoglycan subunits