Medical Quiz

Gaseous Exchange in Humans Quiz

In ……… , bronchiole becomes inflamed, swollen and blocked.

A. asthma

B. chronic bronchitis

C. emphysema

D. gastrisis

Select your answer:


Human Digestive System Body System Musculoskeletal Injuries All About Blood Regulation of Urine Formation Hazards & Risks CABG Surgery Radiation and Health Infant Nutrition Pituitary, Thyroid and Adrenal The Chemistry of Microbiology Confusion, Dementia, & Alzheimers Disease The nervous system & brain Enzymes and Digestion Nutrition & Wellness

Other quiz:

Population Ecology › View

When a population continues to grow at a fast rate.

A. Exponential Growth

B. Logistic Growth

C. Carrying Capacity

D. Infinity Growth

Nutrition › View

——— is a nitrogen fixing bacteria

A. Rhizopus

B. Pseudomonas

C. Rhizobium

D. None of the above