Medical Quiz

Pain Pathophysiology Quiz

During a basketball game, Damien Sebastian accidentally stepped on a nail. What is the function of his nociceptors in this situation?

A. To dampen the sensation of pain

B. To amplify the sensation of pain

C. To transmit signals to his brain about the injury

D. To regulate his body temperature

Select your answer:


Energy, Hydrology, Microbiology Skeletal System Medical Vocabulary Agents of Disease Diseases Communicable or non Communicable Body Systems & Anatomical Terms Illnesses and Diseases in Caregiving Endocrine System Pituitary, Thyroid and Adrenal SSTI and Bone Infections Characteristics of Life Cancer (Bio II) Arteries Brain, Neurons and The Nervous System Pathology Introduction Cell Injury

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Skeletal System › View

If the subpubic angle is ________________, then the skeleton is female.

A. greater than 90 degrees

B. less than 90 degrees

C. equal to 90 degrees

D. 60 degrees

Joints & Movement › View

This type of joint allows the first two vertebrate to rotate, as in shaking your head “no.”

A. condyloid

B. plane (gliding)

C. pivot

D. saddle