Medical Quiz

Bone, Spine, and Joint Pathology Quiz

abnormal increase in curve of thoracic spine; humpback

A. kyphosis

B. scoliosis

C. osteoporosis

D. lordosis

Select your answer:


First Aid Bleeding Tenses Introduction to Histology Movement and Locomotion Lipids Linked Gene Obstructive Lung Disease Homeotic Genes and Cancer Anatomy: Muscle Carbohydrates / Fat-soluble Vitamins Virus Nervous & Endocrine Systems Discovery of DNA Physical Education and Health Genetic Diseases

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A. Left atrium and Left ventricle

B. Right atrium and Right ventricle

C. Left atrium and Right atrium

D. Right ventricle and Left ventricle

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T/F: The basal nuclei of the cerebrum regulate voluntary motor activities by modifying instructions sent to skeletal muscles by the primary motor cortex