Medical Quiz

Vascular Surgery Quiz

Which of the following is a direct Factor Xa Inhibitor

A. Dabigatran

B. Rivaroxaban

C. Enoxaparin

D. Heparin

Select your answer:


Vet Terminology Cardiorespiratory System Carbohydrates and Proteins Microbial Growth & Nutrition Prehabilitation and Conditioning The Cell Cycle & Cancer Hormones Cell Division Health Issues and Concerns Biological Molecules Nutrition in Animals Circulatory & Respiratory System The Energy Nutrients Diagnostics and Pathology Reports Pathogens, Disease and Immunity

Other quiz:

Parts of the Brain › View

Inferior to the cerebrum, made up of the midbrain, pons, and medulla oblongata.

A. Brain stem

B. Cerebrum

C. Cerebellum

D. Spinal cord

Effect of Exercise on Cardio Respiratory System & Muscular › View

The number of times that your heart beats in a minute is what?

A. Stroke volume

B. Cardiac output

C. Heart Rate

D. Beats per minute