Medical Quiz

CRISPR and Sickle-Cell Disease Quiz

What is the main function of fetal haemoglobin in the treatment of sickle-cell disease?

A. To alleviate pain

B. To prevent clumping of blood cells

C. To enable oxygen transport

D. To repair DNA sequences

Select your answer:


CABG Surgery PBS Routine Testing Blood and Bones Restrictive Respiratory Disorders Forensic Odontology Genetics Vocabulary Fluid Therapy Immune System Respiration in Organisms Environmental Biotechnology Genetics Hospitality Stem Cells & Cell Differentiation Science Reproduction Cell Structure and Function Concept

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___________ requires you to pay either a set amount or a certain percent of medical expenses

A. co-insurance

B. co-payment

C. life term

D. term life

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Why is anaerobic metabolism unhealthy for the human body?

A. the byproducts are carbon dioxide and water, which are dangerous

B. it affects the fluid balance of the cells and cell membranes stop working

C. the byproducts include lactic acid which can cause a toxic environment for the cells

D. it produces heat and carbon monoxide which is dangerous to the cell