Medical Quiz

Iron Kinetics Quiz

70% of total body iron is transported in _______ state to Heme portion of Hemoglobin

A. Cationic trivalent
[Ferrous (Fe3+)]

B. Cationic trivalent
[Ferrous (Fe3+)]

C. Cationic bivalent
[Ferric (Fe2+)]

D. Cationic bivalent
[Ferrous (Fe2+)]

Select your answer:


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The largest organ of the human body is the:

A. liver

B. skin

C. lungs

D. heart

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Which of the following about lupus is false?

A. Up to 60% of lupus patients can have kidney involvement

B. Lupus can be treated

C. Average age at onset is 22 years

D. Up to 20% of lupus patients are diagnosed as children

E. Lupus is a short-term illness