Medical Quiz

Lipid Metabolism Quiz

What is the major enzyme involved in the hydrolysis of triacylglycerols in the small intestine?

A. Gastric lipase

B. Pancreatic lipases

C. Hormone-sensitive lipase

D. Lipoprotein lipase

Select your answer:


Bone Physical Activity Circulatory & Respiratory Science Reproduction Diseases of Digestive System Pulse Parathyroid Gland Laser in Medicine Oral Surgery Macromolecules and Enzymes Medical, Legal, and Ethical Issues Nutrition Diseases of The Body Systems Human Reproduction Pathology Endocrine

Other quiz:

Pulmonology › View

What is labeled at E?

A. bronchi

B. trachea

C. pharynx

D. none of the above

Microbiology › View

Using a microscope in the science lab, Jill observed two unknown cells: Cell 1 and Cell 2. Cell 1 she identified as a plant cell and Cell 2 as an animal cell. Her teacher told her she identified the cells correctly. What did Jill most likely observe to correctly identify the cells?

A. Cell 2 had a cell membrane and Cell 1 did not.

B. Cell 1 had a cell wall and Cell 2 did not.

C. Cell 2 had a chloroplast and Cell 1 did not.

D. Cell 1 had a nucleus and Cell 2 did not.