Medical Quiz

Biotechnology Quiz

What is the purpose of gel electrophoresis?

A. To cut DNA at specific recognition sites

B. To join fragments of DNA

C. To amplify DNA sequences

D. To separate DNA fragments according to size

Select your answer:


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Other quiz:

Immunity › View

When activated by the presence of a pathogen some lymphocytes produce antibodies and other lymphocytes act as memory cells.

Which of the following best describes the role of memory cells in the immune system?

A. They store antigens from the pathogen for lymphocytes to use as a template for antibodies in the future.

B. They remember the antigen on the pathogen and tell the lymphocytes how to respond if it is re-encountered.

C. They quickly clone to form a group of phagocytes if the pathogen is re-encountered.

D. They quickly clone to form a group of plasma cells if the pathogen is re-encountered.

Bacterial Resistance and Biotechnology › View

What is a benefit of producing GMO’s?

A. They are less genetically diverse

B. They are more genetically diverse

C. They can produce more product (milk from cows, food from crops)

D. They produce less product