Medical Quiz

Micro Immunology Quiz

 Can Cross the placental barrier

A.  IgA

B.   IgD

C.  IgE

D. IgG

E.  IgM  

Select your answer:


Health and Diseases Diseases Communicable or non Communicable The Cell Cycle Life Cycle - Bee Renal System - Pharmacology Skin and Derivatives Homeostasis Measles and Hib Muscular Cardiovascular System Biological Molecules Life Processes - Digestion and Respiration Disease Cards Malaria Life Processes

Other quiz:

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inflammation of the lining of the bronchi

A. bronchitis

B. emphysema


D. asthma

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What is the danger zone range for temperatures?

A. below -18c

B. between 1 & 4c

C. 5 to 63c

D. above 75c