Medical Quiz

Visual Impairment Quiz

What is a visual impairment?

A. a problem with or damage to one or more parts of the ear.

B. an impairment in vision which can be corrected

C. an impairment in vision even with correction that adversely affects a child’s education and daily living activities

D. an impairment in vision even with correction that does not affect child’s education

Select your answer:


Asexual Reproduction Infection Detection Wellness Vocabulary Somatotypes Proteins, Amino Acids, & Enzymes Regulation of Heart Rate Cells Endocrinology Immunity and Vaccines Human Circulatory System Dermatology Gene Expression Respiration Anatomy and Physiology Nervous System/Endocrine System Nervous System Functioning

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Genetics › View

How can two parents with brown eyes have a child with blue eyes?

A. The parents may both have a recessive gene for blue eyes.

B. The child was born during the winter

C. Eye color in humans is not an inherited trait

D. The child was deprived of oxygen during its birth

Human Body Systems › View

If something goes wrong with the thyroid in this organ system, one can get goiter.

A. Immune system

B. Endocrine system

C. Cardiovascular system

D. Integumentary system