Medical Quiz

Respiration Anatomy and Physiology Quiz

the chest cavity that surrounds and protects the lungs, the heart, and other respiratory structures

A. thorax

B. ribs

C. diaphragm

D. abdominal wall

Select your answer:


Diseases and Preventions Respiration Anatomy and Physiology Health and Wellness Multicellular Organisms: Organisation Mnt For Pulmonary Disease and Adverse Reactions to Food Tissues Muscular System Movements Stress Parts of Human Body Healthcare Careers Digestive and Circulatory System Skin and Derivatives Virus and Bacteria Heart Toxicology

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ziehl-neelson stain is an example of ?

A. methylene blue

B. gram staining

C. acid fast staining

D. none

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What is the function of a white blood cell?

A. It helps repair wounds.

B. It helps in the clotting of blood.

C. It protects the body against diseases.

D. It carries oxygen to all parts of the body.