Medical Quiz

Bone Marrow Histology Quiz

True/False: Granulocytes take a shorter time to develop than erythrocytes.



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Philosophy Medicine Clinics Hospital Departments Diseases Cellular Respiration Heredity and Living Cells ICU Cell Injury Body Fluids and Blood Cells Counseling: Fact or Myth? Nerve Injuries in Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery Vocabulary The Nervous System and The Senses Gaseous Exchange in Humans Circulatory and Lymphatic System

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Pathophysiology › View

Identify the given feedback system:

Stimulus—> increase blood pressure—> baroreceptor send signals to brain—> brain send output signal to effector—> decrease in heart rate decreases blood pressure

A. Positive feedback system

B. Negative feedback system

C. Both are correct

D. None of the above

Pain Management › View

Pregabalin is not approved in________

A. Fibromyalgia

B. Post herpetic neuralgia

C. Diabetic Neuropathy

D. Generalised seizures