Medical Quiz

Pathology Quiz

55-year-old man with history of uncontrolled diabetes and hypertension presented to the emergency department with a 3-day history of chest pain. The chest pain got much worse and radiated to both arms and his neck.The cardiac catherization treats him with thrombolytic agents for a diagnosis of myocardial infarction. Approximately 20 minutes after infusion begins, he experiences ventricular tachycardia and dies

Which of the following best describes the pathologic findings

A. Caseous necrosis

B. coagulative necrosis

C. Fat necrosis

D. Fibrinoid necrosis

Select your answer:


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The sit and reach is an example of what component of fitness?

A. Endurance

B. Flexibility

C. Strength

D. Body Composition

Blood › View

They are not real cells but just fragments of stem cells.

A. Thrombocytes

B. Ertyhrocytes

C. Plasma

D. White Blood Cells