What is the best treatment option for a 49-year-old woman who is chemotherapy naïve and was recently diagnosed with extensive-stage small cell lung cancer?
A. Carboplatin, pemetrexed, plus pembrolizumab
B. Cisplatin plus gemcitabine
C. Carboplatin plus paclitaxel
D. Cisplatin plus etoposide
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BIOMEDICAL MCQ Antibiotic in Orthopaedics Physical Pharmacy Sexual Reproduction Bacteria & Viruses Musculoskeletal System Responses to Exercises CVA Eye and Ear Respiration, Immune System, Blood Cells Urinary System and Fluid Balance Genetics: Viruses and Bacteria Circulatory and Respiratory System Circulatory, Artery, Vein - basics Musculoskeletal LE Human HealthOther quiz:
Cell Bio › ViewThe smooth ER…
A. makes proteins, ribosomes, and amino acids
B. makes energy, sugar, and ATP
C. makes lipids, carbohydrates, and hormones
D. makes DNA, RNA, and cellulose
Stress and Mental Health › View
How can you describe physical health?
A. Our interaction with others
B. How we think and feel
C. Condition of our body