Medical Quiz

Psychology Quiz

Which of the following processes has begun as soon as special receptor cells for the senses are activated?

A. perception

B. adaptation

C. habituation

D. sensation

Select your answer:


Anatomy Tissues Factors that Affect Health and Wellness Biochemistry of Diabetes Pharmacology Medical Nursing Cell and Tissue Macro and Micro Nutrients Bacteria Structure Common Respiratoty Diseases Pathology of Respiratory System Innate Immunity Carbohydrate Metabolism Fitness Renal & Neural

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Reproduction › View

Which is true about human gametes?

A. The acrosome secretes enzymes which digest a path into an egg cell.

B. Egg cells are much smaller than sperm cells.

C. Sperm cells are only released once every 4 weeks.

D. Sperm cells are surrounded by a jelly coat.

Health and Diseases › View

What disease is caused by lack of protien?

A. Beri- Beri

B. Kwashiorkar

C. Scurvy

D. Goitre