Medical Quiz

Compact Bone Quiz

Identify A:

A. lamella

B. spongy bone

C. periosteum

D. osteon

Select your answer:


Viruses and Prions Cardio and Resp Disorders Characteristics of Life Muscoskeletal Injuries Metabolic Sauver Parts of the Skin Diseases of The Body Systems Psychology, Psychiatry, & Social Work How the Eyes work Endocrine System and Nervous System Oncology Diagnostic Tools Diabetes Pathophysiology Muscle pathophysiology Composition of Blood and Blood Cells

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Vitamin B9 is also known as

A. Biotin

B. Pantothenic Acid

C. Niacin

D. Folate

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which one could be a symptom of C.O.P.D ?

A. hallucinations 

B. dizziness

C. shortness of breath 

D. Chronic ache