Medical Quiz

Nervous System Quiz

Which part of the peripheral nervous system deals with activities that we can control?

A. somatic

B. autonomic

Select your answer:


Disorders of The Joints Pollution Musculoskeletal Diseases Skin and Derivatives Transport System Muscular Bacteriology Hazards & Risks Abnormal Psychology; Assessment and Diagnosis Molecular Genetics Integrated Science Diseases of The Digestive System CPR Bonding and the Periodic Table Vital Signs Homeotic Genes and Cancer

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Relative dating of rock layers tells us that the deeper we dig, _______.

A. the younger the rocks get

B. the smellier the rocks get

C. the harder the rocks get

D. the older the rocks get

Common Respiratoty Diseases › View

This is cause by a virus. Its symptoms are high fever, redness of the respiratory mucous membrane, severe backache and pain in the extremities although acute stage usually last only 1 to 5 days, good care is important to prevent complication like pneumonia.

A. Influenza

B. Diptheris