Medical Quiz

Cardio and Resp Disorders Quiz

A condition where an embolus is carried by the bloodstream until it reaches an artery too small for passage

A. Hematoma

B. Embolism

C. Septicemia

D. Arrhythmia

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All About Bacteria Enzymes and Digestion Disease Cards Sensory Disorder Joints and Range of Motion Respiration Anatomy and Physiology Joints Uses of Radioactive Radiation Obstructive Lung Disease Biology The Nervous System Protozoan Diseases Diseases of The Body Systems Tutor Oral Biology Fungi/Bacteria/Biotechnology

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Genetics › View

In the cross AaBbCc × AaBbCc, what is the probability of producing the genotype AABBCC?

A. 1/14

B. 1/24

C. 1/44

D. 1/64

Nutrition › View

What diseases are caused by the lack of food resources in the picture

A. atherosclerosis

B. goitre

C. high blood pressure

D. kwashiorkor