Medical Quiz

Pathology Quiz

Which allele predisposes patients to Ankylosing Spondylitis?

A. QRS-T22

B. HLA-B27

C. H1N1-99

D. BRU-H47

E. None of the Above

Select your answer:


Mitosis for Mya Cell Cycle Cholera Hematology Nasal Polyp Germs Skin Appendages Body Defense Neuroanatomy The Ear Cardiovascular Nursing Dementia Laboratory Careers Health Issues and Concerns Major Nutrients

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True or False: Skin rashes, such as hives, can occur as a result of a food allergy:

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When using bioremediation to clean up toxic contaminated soil, what happens to the bacteria when the pollutants are cleaned up?

A. The area is treated with antibiotics.

B. The area is treated with concentrated oxygen.

C. The bacteria run out of food and die off naturally.

D. The bacteria are covered with fresh soil and they die due to a lack of oxygen.