Medical Quiz

Pathology Endocrine Quiz

Treatment of Filariasis is

A. Preventive chemotherapy and MDA

B. Antibiotic

C. Antiviral anti inflammatory

Select your answer:


Blood clotting Excretory and Musculoskeletal System Sensory System Anatomy and Pathology Nail Disorders and Diseases Pharmacology Vitamins Infant Nutrition Properties of Hair and Scalp Infectious Disease and Pathogens Wellness Vocabulary Hematology Lab Values Cariology Oncology Skin Physical Fitness Components Forensics: Blood

Other quiz:

Energy, Hydrology, Microbiology › View

What are the percentages of fresh and saltwater on Earth?

A. 50% fresh, 50% salt

B. 3% salt, 97% fresh

C. 70% salt, 30% fresh

D. 97% salt, 3% fresh

Mutations, Replication, and Cancer › View

DNA replication turns one strand of DNA into two new strands of DNA. What percent of each new strand is the old strand?

A. Half of each new DNA is the old DNA

B. The old strand of DNA was digested, so none

C. The new DNA is entirely made up of the old DNA

D. About every sixth base comes from the old DNA