Medical Quiz

Human Organ System Quiz

I am the largest organ in your body. What am I?

A. Skin

B. Lungs

C. Liver

D. Large intestines

Select your answer:


Transplantation Immunology Movement Central and Peripheral Nervous System HCMA - Hematology Cell Theory and Cellular Structure Nutrient Cycling Lymphatic System Parathyroid Gland Mnt For Pulmonary Disease and Adverse Reactions to Food Disease and Immunity Oncology Enzymes and Their Functions Food Microbiology Cell Review Pathology of Respiratory System

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All organisms contain instruction molecules that help determine which traits the organism will have is an example of 

A. universal genetic code (DNA/RNA)

B. metabolism

C. evolution

D. growth and development

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Mental illnesses are RARE.

A. Fact

B. Myth