Medical Quiz

Human Body and Pathogens Quiz

What is the structure and function of the bladder?

A. A thin tube, filtration of waste from the blood

B. A pair of tubes, waste transport

C. A muscular sac, storage of liquid waste

D. Bean shaped organs, filter blood

Select your answer:


Healthcare Systems and Settings Introduction to Histology Sarcomere Anatomy Organization of Systems Homeotic Genes and Cancer Hele Skeletal System Macromolecules & Nutrients Diabetes Pathophysiology Teeths Oncology Dyslexia BMI (Body Mass Index) Brain/Neuron Anatomy Eye or Nose Injuries Movement and Locomotion

Other quiz:

Careers in Health Care › View

Why would a health professional want to earn continuing education units?

A. to qualify for a higher salary

B. to qualify for a more challenging position

C. they are a status symbol for health care workers

D. they are required to renew most medical licenses

Anatomy › View

A sarcomere is defined as the region between two

A. Motor end plate

B. Z-lines

C. ADP and phosphate

D. Motor neuron and muscle fiber cell