★ Integumentary System & Body Directions Quiz
General term for wound, injury, or abnormality
A. contusion
B. abrasion
C. lesion
D. fracture
Select your answer:
Vision & Hearing Diseases Key Terms Circulatory and Respiratory System Digestive and Circulatory System Cell and Muscle Histology Physical Education Microbes and Infectious Disease Degeneration Pathology Autism Awareness Herd Immunity Health issue related to immune system HNBS Intern Environment Carbohydrates Muscles and Healthy BodyOther quiz:
Muscular › ViewWhich of the following uses voluntary muscles?
A. Digestion
B. Heart breathing
C. Raising your hand
D. Sneezing
Genetics › View
Neither allele is dominant so the traits tend to blend
A. incomplete dominance
B. complete dominance
C. codominance
D. predominance