What is the correct order of fluid filtration in the kidney?
A. Bowmen’s Capsule, Proximal Tubule, Loop of Henle, Distal Tubule, Collecting Tubule, Ureter
B. Ureter, Collecting Tubule, Distal Tubule, Loop of Henle, Proximal Tubule, Bowmen’s Capsule
C. Distal Tubule, Collecting Tubule, Bowmen’s Capsule, Loop of Henle, Ureter
D. Loop of Henle, Proximal Tubule, Distal Tubule, Collecting Tubule, Ureter, Bowmen’s Capsule
Select your answer:
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Cosmetology › ViewWhat small involuntary muscle is attached to the underside of a hair follicle?
a. arrector pili
b. hair bulb
c. dermal papilla
d. hair strand
Multicellular Organisms › View
What are the five senses that play an integral role in how multicellular organisms interact and respond to the environment?
A. Touch, Smell, Hearing, Sight, and Taste
B. Touch, Smell, Hearing, Sight, and Balance
C. Touch, Smell, Hearing, Sight, and Movement
D. Touch, Smell, Hearing, Sight, and Pain