Medical Quiz

Heart Quiz

Which of the following has a strong, positive inotropic effect, meaning it increases the strength of each contraction of the heart?

A. Hypocalcemia

B. Hypercalcemia

C. Hyperkalemia

D. Myocardial hypercapnia

E. Myocardial hypoxia

Select your answer:


Diseases Health and Disease Terms for The Skeletal System Bone Shapes & Long Bone Anatomy Biochemistry/Cells Erythrocyte Disorders Deficiency Disease Carbohydrates and Proteins Psychology, Psychiatry, & Social Work Urinary Genetics Vocabulary Cardiovascular Adaptation Refresher Renal Pharmacology Central Nervous System Heart

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When you have difficulty with directions which part of the brain is most likely affected?

A. •Temporal lobe

B. •Occipital lobe

C. •Frontal lobe

D. •Parietal lobe

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How do Deaf Blind people use the computer?

A. They don’t

B. An interpreter reads it for them

C. They use adapted screen changes or a screen reader

D. Very carefully