Medical Quiz

Facial & Dental Injuries Quiz

Which of the following symptoms are NOT indicative of a serious eye injury?

A. Blurred Vision

B. Excessive watering of the eye

C. Diplopia

D. Partial loss of the visual field

Select your answer:


Human Circulatory System Breath Bacteriology Skin and Derivatives Abnormal Psychology; Assessment and Diagnosis Nasal Polyp Diseases Key Terms Immunity Humanistic and Biological Psychology Diabetes Mellitus Microbial Growth Parts of the Body Carbohydrates and Proteins Factors Affecting Health Microrganisms

Other quiz:

Hematology / Oncology › View

What is a characteristic clinical manifestation of Hodgkin’s Lymphoma?

A. Hyperactivity

B. Swollen, firm lymph nodes

C. Frequent urination

D. Hypertension

Dental Specialties › View

These teeth have relatively sharp edges and are used to cut or incise food.

A. canines

B. premolars

C. molars

D. incisors