Medical Quiz

Integumentary System Quiz

What is E?

A. Pore

B. Arrector pili muscle

C. Hair papillae

Select your answer:


Lifestyle Diseases Cell Theory Patient-Centered Endocrinology Dermatosis Protein Synthesis Enzymes Skin and Derivatives Human Health Anatomy Bones Hair Evidence Plasmid Body Fluids and Blood Cells Diagnostic Tools Radiation and Health Heart and Blood Vessels Sense of Sight

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The abbreviation CPOE means:

A. controlled physician orders executed.

B. computerized partial orders entered

C. computer physician order entry.

D. compact physician orders entered.

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Which of the following diet-related disorders has the highest economic cost in Australia?

A. Cardiovascular disease

B. Gluten intolerance

C. Type 2 Diabetes

D. Osteoperosis